
Frames X: WYSIWYG Editor Figma UI Kit

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Frames X: WYSIWYG Editor Figma UI Kit


The WYSIWYG editor Figma UI kit

The WYSIWYG, or 'What You See Is What You Get,' is an interface component that displays content as it will appear when published online from the text editor interface. It is commonly used to publish articles, post, and create text-based content.

The WYSIWYG Figma component set consists of:

  • The content zone you can use to add and edit text contents
  • Top menu bar with app commands
  • Responsive toolbar with most common commands for text modification
  • A WYSIWYG footer to display document information and additional commands.

WYSIWYG editor features:

  • Responsive design with support for Figma auto-layout and breakpoints: Desktop, Table, and Mobile.
  • WYSIWYG component variants and properties.
  • Support for dark and light modes for the WYSIWYG interface.


Credits: framesxdesign.com

Licensed under CC BY 4.0

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Frames X WYSIWYG component

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